February 2011 archive

Mike’s Vertical Grill, Reader’s Choice Awards, Mark’s Black Pot

Mikes Vertical Griller

Fun information from around the web: an innovative new vertical grill, the 2011 Barbecue & Grill Reader’s Choice Awards, and Dutch Oven Cooking blog, Mark’s Black Pot.

Grill Grates – A New Cooking Surface for Grills

Grill Grates

GrillGrates provide a revolutionary new grilling surface that will give everything you cook on grill perfect grill marks, extra tenderness and flavor, and virtually eliminate burning and charring. See exactly how they work in this article.

Grilling Vegetables – Maple Glazed Vegetables

Grilled vegetables are a delicious addition to your main grilled dish. This dish uses asparagus, onion, carrots, zucchini and red and yellow peppers, with a maple glaze. See the details in this article.

Barbecue Wars, Chill and Grill, Top 10 Grill Skills

Barbecued Chicken

A great music video about which area has the best barbecue, a grilling competition, and the top 10 skills you need to learn for grilling.

Are You Making These 7 Horrible Grilling/BBQing mistakes?

Grilling the Perfect Steak

Here are 7 horrible barbecuing or grilling mistakes. Which ones are you making? Find out what they are in this article. And find out what can help you take your techniques to the next level.

Grilled Exotic Meats – Try Something Different!

Kobe or Waygu Beef

If you would like to try something that is a little different than steak, hamburgers, and hot dogs, try one of the many exotic meats, such as alligator, buffalo, yak, rabbit, quail, ostrich, emu, or elk.

Grilled Chicken with Black Bean Salsa

Grilled Chicken with Black Bean Salsa

I have a delicious dish to share with you today—Grilled Chicken with Black Bean Salsa.  The grilled chicken has a rub that I put on it before I grilled it, and the black bean salsa was delicious.  To make the rub, I took ¼ cup of brown sugar, half teaspoon of garlic powder, half teaspoon …

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