Category: Fruit Recipes

Grilled Peaches and Berries

Grilled Peaches and Berries

It’s been a little while since I grilled a dessert, so I decided to try one that I had seen recently: Grilled Peaches and Berries.  If I could rename this recipe, it would be renamed “Yummy”.  Everyone once in a while, you make something that kind of makes you sit up and take notice.  This …

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Dutch Oven Peach Cobbler Recipes

Did you know: a medium peach has 1 g of protein,  is native to China, and can be either clingstones and freestones, depending on whether the flesh sticks to the stone or not.  But the best thing about peaches is that they are delicious and make delicious dessert in the Dutch oven!  Dutch oven peach cobbler …

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Grilled Pineapple

Grilled Pineapple

Grilled pineapple is a perfect dessert for your barbecue. It is tasty, easy to do, great looking, and your guests will love it. Grilling brings out an intense flavor in the pineapple that is delicious and will be a great addition to your grilled dinner. Read this article to find out what you need to know about grilling pineapple.

Cooking Baked Apples

Baked apples are a fun, easy dessert to cook in the fire when you’re camping.  The basic idea is to core of the center of the apple, fill the center with a filling, wrap the whole thing in foil, and cook it in the fire. To core an apple, I take a paring knife and, …

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